
Showing posts from September, 2024

Judas Kiss!

"People I loved-- People I trusted-- have done their absolute worst to me ( Movie: Mr. Robot )" The most demented, pig-ignorant and cretinous beings are the Human Beings . Including me. ( I knew it Karen, that you would start typing, "You are a hooman too". Always find mistakes without knowing that You're itself the biggest mistake in this world ) My bad, got a bit sappy!! Anyways... Except for Family , Friends , Dhoni , D ( my Favourite Fictional Character ) everyone's dumb. Not mentioning other cricketers, singers, directors, musicians.. I guess you get whom I'm talking about. (The people who are condemnatory, disdainful, egocentric and imbecilic.) The saddest part is that we have to live with these kind of people. No matter what, no matter how aware we are of to whom we talk and do not talk, we will definitely have such kind of people in our lives. And I... Have many of them. Being an extrovert, I love talking to people. Read it again, I said that &q

Ultimate Guide To Procrastination

I'll say it later.. I'm too lazy     

Dead Poet's Society

 "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world - Dead Poet's Society" The movie, " Dead Poet's Society " got released in 1989 . I watched it in 2017 . The first time I watched it I wailed pitifully. Huh! I'm narrating it in past tense.. I mean, I still watch this movie and wail pitifully.  The story goes like.. A new English teacher, John Keating ( Robin Williams ), is introduced to an all-boys preparatory school that is known for its ancient traditions and high standards. He uses unorthodox methods to reach out to his students, who face enormous pressures from their parents and the school. With Keating's help, students Neil Perry ( Robert Sean Leonard ), Todd Anderson ( Ethan Hawke ) and others learn to break out of their shells, pursue their dreams and seize the day. This was the summary given to me, when one of my seniors suggested me to watch this movie. Even the google metioned that this movie belonged to the Comedy/Drama

Better to die than live!

 "Life is very short bro, we live everyday, so just leave everything and die one day. - Me" People are poison. People are the cruelest things in the entire world. People are... Ewwwwwww. Don't be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of loosing yourself by trying to please everyone. ( Source, Coco ) The " they " people, made me lose myself. " They " made me hesitate to carry my cricket kit. " They " made me re-think about the thing I loved my entire life. When you lose in a relationship, you lose someone else. But when you lose in sports, you lose yourself. " THEY " MADE ME LOSE MYSELF  Not a revenge story, but a journey to make the cruel regret it's actions. I do not know what to do right now, but I know that I want to make them regret for their scandalous actions. Villains aren't born, they are made. I just want to look at their faces, stare dead into their eyes and say, " I don't mind being the villain in your stor


"My heart's already broken baby go on twist the knife- One Direction" I am getting lost infront of my eyes. I am failing infront of me. I am loosing the kid inside me. That 13 year old girl who thought that she would become a big icon in cricket is dead. She died yesterday, infront of my own naked eyes. Seeing your younger self die, is the most tragical feeling to ever experience.  Like the ignored constellation, they turned a blind eye on me. I heard the sound of my heart tearing apart. I asked for water, but they burned me with fire. I asked for a light but they shattered me into darkness.  They demolished my dreams that I can't even imagine a life with it. They made me chase the worldly things, they made me live according to their will. They took my life from me.  THEY TOOK MY LIFE FROM ME Who are they ? " They " are the " they " whom I mentioned yesterday.  We need someone like JD (Actor vijay's character in the movie " Master

All lies?

 "Depression isn't always at 3 am, sometimes it hits you at 3 pm when you're with friends and you're halfway through a laugh and suddenly stop."  They lied to me folks. They lied about the entire situation. I can see you think who that " they " are. " They " are the people who guaranteed me a good life in the place I stay right now. Not gonna lie mate, " they " made me trust them I TRUSTED THEM They broke my trust.  My trust issue is higher than the Mount Everest. Whenever I think of trusting people. These " they " people would definitely give me a warning in my mind to never trust anyone again.  There's a poem named "Suicide in the Trenches" by the poet Siegfried Sassoon. The poem begins with the poet describing a young man's suicide. You know your life is not going on the right track when you relate to that young guy. If you listen to Tamil songs, then you would definitely know the song " Endhan kan

Things I learnt from Harry Potter (6)

 "I like a quiet life, you know me. - Harry Potter" After a long gap, I watched Happy Potter and the Half blood Prince. After watching the previous part of the series, I was traumatized after sirius' death. As you know that the series gets darker and darker ( it's not only the title card) I fear watching the rest, since the place I am staying right now will not heal the pain caused by the movie. You might think why I get syrupy for a fake and an imaginary story. As you know that I am a Cinephile, I relate to the movies. I get lost in the creation and live according to that movie's director's wish. That's how mad I am for Cinema.  But this part, it felt good. Eventhough there were losses and Harry suffered the most, him knowing the secrets of Professor Severes Snape (One of the heroes of Harry Potter known to be a villain) was entrancing. Eventually, Harry gets the idea of how good of a person Snape is. It was gratifying. Apart from that, Harry stumbles upo

Music is our strongest memory #03

 "Guess who's back, back again." When I was in grade 6. I played my first cricket tournament. It was a noteworthy day to me. My first ever game in cricket. It augmented my confidence. It felt like I am winning in life. It was a T20 series against a district ( Kandy - my team vs Colombo)  I was playing 1 down ( As the 3rd batsman, oh!.. Woman). I was cool headed. I felt stupendous.  ** I heard my heartbeat, it was out of fear and excitement. I breathed aloud. I wore my gloves, carried my bat like a sword. I literally felt like a soldier. I entered the ground. Watched the sky for God's blessings.** Entered the pitch, a young kid, thinking she will score a century. The first ball, was a miss. I convinced myself. Did a short ted talk and was ready to face the next ball. Andddddd. That's it. In a second, I found myself walking back to the dressing room. Yes! Yes! Of course, Yes! I Got Out. I thought the ball went further from the wicketkeeper and began to take a run. B

Music is our strongest memory #02

 "But I love you so (please let me go)  I love you so (please let me go)"  When I thought that no love song could ever thwack me, then released a Tamil song . One of my friends back in Sri Lanka faced a breakup and he was addicted to a song. I went to him, tapped on his shoulder. When he turned around, I saw into his eyes. It was as red as an evening sky. His eye bags were big enough to carry my Cricket kit πŸ™ƒ. I asked him about the breakup. The first few words he enunciated were, " It is literally like the song Kanawe Kanawe ". " Kanawe Kanawe ". It's a breakup song from the movie David . I have never been in Love when I first listened to this song. I felt the pain of the actor. I felt the pain of a failed love eventhough I have never been through that phase.  That's what fellows is called as " Music ". Even if you have never been in that situation, music can make you feel it.  One fine day, uhm! Okay, okay, I caught your mindset. ( Man,

Music is our strongest memory #01

 "Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies. - Edward Bulwed lytton" If you listen to Tamil songs, then, I bet that you would have heard the song " Oru naalil " by Y uvan , an unreleased song from the movie Pudhupettai . It was also used in the movie which got released this May, " Star ". I could not imagine that some of the kids, never knew this song and they discovered it from the movie Star. That was.. That was Lugubrious. I mean. Bro, That's Yuvan , and you have never heard that? Fine, Let's not put these so called 2k kids into embarrassment (Comes from the mouth of a 2k kid πŸƒπŸ»‍♀️, not mouth exactly, it's my thumbs typing, I know that Karen, need not to correct me). Too much of hatred? My bad. Nevertheless, this song, " Oru naalil ", if you haven't heard it, please do listen to that song. I never related to this song until 2024 January. When I was back home for my Christmas Holidays, the day

Things I learnt from Harry Potter (5)

 "We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are - Sirius Black" Yes, I know!! Having Sirius as my favourite character and watching him perish was not good for my mental health ( CHIEFLY WHILE STAYING HERE ). It was jittering. The fifth movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix  Sirius' ending was completely unforeseen. It was.. Abrupt. Moreover my hatred to the character Belatrix paved way to hate the actress who played it. ( Yes, again.. Hate is a strong word. Yet, I love Sirius so much )  Massive respect to Helena Bonham for pulling off Belatrix so well which made us hate her.  But the only relief was that the Ministry ( The government kind of people in the Wizarding World ) admitted that Lord Voldy has returned. From the last movie onwards the good phase of the Harry Potter disappeared. The fact that the title card gets darker and darker with the traumatic events is impressive. It'

Things I learnt from Harry Potter (4)

 " 'Did you put your name into the Goblet of fire, Harry' he asked CALMLY" As you know that I am back to India. Unfortunately, of courseπŸ™ƒπŸ˜‚. So to distract my heart from feeling heavy, I watched the fourth movie of the series. " Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ".  As I was watching the movie in the airplane and the estimated travel time was only 1hr, I could not complete watching the movie. Hence, I came to the hall and watched the rest, along with my friends. While watching it, I thought my heart would become carefree. Contrary, it became hefty. The character Cedric Diggory grasped everyones attention. And especially mine. After he ( Robert Pattinson ) took up as the Character Batman. I loved him even more. Cedric was a charming person. Despite of the fact that he did not stand against his friends who bullied Harry, he was fine. The only mistake he made was falling in love with Cho Chang. She is no match for him ( but I am.. No, No, No, delete that jo

Random thoughts - 01

If you follow my blogposts, then you'll know that I'll be leaving home tomorrow. ( In case you did not notice it.. It's not leaving to home, it's LEAVING HOME ). My heart's already heavy. I'm all smiling and happy, but only my heart knows how bad it wants to be here at home. Yet, you know that people can also be home. I have a person, who is my home there in India.  He/she is the only peace I have over there. I'm not mortifying my friends or my sisters and brothers. They are suffering with me, we are on the same boat, as they are locals they have their families to console them. As an NRI ( Non-Resident Indian), I don't have my family close to me. I mean my relatives are there, but still that one friend makes me feel like.. I'm home. I'll be forever grateful for them.

Things I learnt from Harry Potter (3)

 "The ones that Love us never really leave us. And you always find them.. In hereπŸ«€" Anddd, you guessed it right. It's the third movie of the series. " Harry Potter and the Prisoner of the Azkaban ". Not gonna lie, this is my favourite movie. You know why? Because Sirius Black's character gets his introduction in this.  Sirius Black is my favourite Harry Potter character. Then comes Fred and George . Sirius' character was well written. He balances humour in a charismatic manner. He is a matured character loved by the entire Fandom.  The best part of the movie, I mean the movie did not demonstrate it keenly, but the book did. The line goes like, " Harry believed him ". Despite of the fact that the entire wizarding world was against Sirius and believed the false accusations about him, Harry beleived him. ( This can be an excellent example for my yesterday's blogpost too )  This movie conveys the importance of family . No matter who we be clo

Things I learnt from Harry Potter (2)

 "Never try to save my life again -Harry Potter" I watched the movie named " Hostel " today. It was brutal. If you have watched the movie " Saw " then I totally recommend you to watch " Hostel ". It's a bit disturbing.  At that point in time, I remembered that I began the Harry Potter Marathon. Thus I watched the Second part. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets .  I hate snakes. I know hate is a strong word. But not for serpents. They make me feel perturbed. But when it comes to Harry Potter, I indeed love them. As I said yesterday, talking to snakes is not a foreign thing to me. Anyway, I loved it when Harry spoke to the snake infront of the Slytherins ( A house in Harry Potter. In case you didn't know). That was a top tier frame. Furthermore, I love the character Dobby (a house elf ). Such a sweetheart. It's a shame that the movies did not include enough scenes for Dobby. Because the way he wanted the escape the slavery and ho

Things I learnt from Harry Potter (1)

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that - Professor Albus Dumbledore"   Since it's September, where Harry officially gets into Hogwarts, I decided to go for a ' Harry Potter Marathon '. I began with the first movie, ' Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone '. Aahh! The feeling I got while watching it. Nostalgic. I remembered the good old days. My school days in which I was genuinely happy for existing. While watching the movie, I realized that I had the ability to speak Parseltongue my entire life. For those, who doesn't know what Parseltongue is, it's the language of serpents. I've been talking to snakes too (Iykyk). There's a famous meme on this content. Bet you would've seen it before. Later, my brain unified Myself and Harry Potter. You wanna know how? I'll tell you.  Harry Potter suffers in the Privet drive, So do I in my college. And Hogwarts is my home here in Sri Lanka. The only difference

The Following

 "Keep your nose to yourself honey" Lately, when I was surfing through youtube, I watched a short. It demonstrated an actress who was covered by blood, which conveyed as a dead body. But seconds later, she woke up and switched off the camera. It was literally like she filmed herself as a victim.  It grabbed my attention. I further searched about it and got the name of the movie. It movie was " The Following ". Unfortunately, it was a Korean Movie. I'm not into Korean stuff. So that I thought of putting back the idea of watching it. Yet, the concept flabbergasted me. I thought to myself, a movie is a movie, a director is a director. No matter what language they portray their stories in. We gotta appreciate their work. Therefore, I decided to watch it. It's been 2 days since I watched it. And hey, not gonna lie, it has one of the best plots in the industry.  The movie was a mystery thriller movie. Produced in South Korea. It got released this May 5th . Sir Kim

A normal day at work, again?

"Life's good again" My life? It's completely normal now. It feels like how I felt before when I was at the 10th grade.  Back home, enjoying time with family, spending prized hours with friends, playing cricket, dancing, singing, playing musical instruments. Feels like I'm two steps away from regaining my prime self πŸ˜‚. Everything's complete here in Sri Lanka. Fellas here normalized my sudden plans. Whenever I call them to spend some time, they are like, "I can do this all day". I do what I love here. I do what I want here. I have everything I need around me. But hey! Just a missing piece. I miss my Indian friends and that one special friend. They complete me. If they were here, I am finished. I will be the happiest person in the whole world. ( I have already achieved 99% of the happiness ) Joy, comes to us in different ways. In ways we didn't expect and through the people who we never thought would be there for us. My Indian friends healed me wh