All lies?

 "Depression isn't always at 3 am, sometimes it hits you at 3 pm when you're with friends and you're halfway through a laugh and suddenly stop."

 They lied to me folks. They lied about the entire situation. I can see you think who that "they" are. "They" are the people who guaranteed me a good life in the place I stay right now. Not gonna lie mate, "they" made me trust them


They broke my trust. 

My trust issue is higher than the Mount Everest. Whenever I think of trusting people. These "they" people would definitely give me a warning in my mind to never trust anyone again. 

There's a poem named "Suicide in the Trenches" by the poet Siegfried Sassoon. The poem begins with the poet describing a young man's suicide. You know your life is not going on the right track when you relate to that young guy.

If you listen to Tamil songs, then you would definitely know the song "Endhan kan munne" from the movie "Nanban".

The only difference between him and I is that he gave up and I'm thinking of giving up. I always listen to that song and play it in my guitar.

Moreover the song "pona pogattum" from the movie "Master", it demonstrates about the young boys getting caught by a set of drug dealers, who are forced to enter the jail for their faults. Two of the boys (who are brothers) will die while trying to escape. The song talks about how those boys does not have a chance to correct themselves, feels like an orphan and are forced to live this life against their will. 

I relate to those boys too. When you do not have anyone,.. your family and your friends (who were with you from the childhood) in the place where you have to survive for another one and a half years makes me feel like an orphan. No matter who tries to console you saying that they are there for you, you'll feel like an orpahn atleast for once.

These "they" people will never realize that they are killing students with great talent. Them hiding the fraudulent activities, will never bring them anywhere.

Further, as I've told you several times

What's wrong is wrong and What's right is right. You going around shouting a lie will never become truth. Know that! 

Trying to manipulate people is the cheapest act according to me. Do not manipulate people for your wrong doings and make them accept that they were wrong eventhough when they were right. 

Not to get emotional again. But few people in everyone's life will be desperate to put you down. 

More than anything, keep your noses in your respective businesses. It does not matter who goes out with whom and who talks with whom. Know the exact situation and talk mate. Inquire both the sides honey. Don't rush to a conclusion.

(I got your mind voice bud πŸ˜‚πŸ’”, if you're familiar with tamil meme templates then add that Vadivel sir's template," iwantha engayo semmaya adi waangi irukan, inga wandhu yaaruko nadandha maari pesran" πŸƒπŸ»‍♀️πŸƒπŸ»‍♀️

As I have already mentioned that I do not like the place I stay in right now.. I was wrong. It's not about the place, it's about the people. Yes, people can be home but on the other hand, people can be graveyards too. Remember that!

Hope you do not get into trouble for something that you never did.

Peace (If you have it, please do share it)


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