Things I learnt from Harry Potter (3)

 "The ones that Love us never really leave us. And you always find them.. In here🫀"

Anddd, you guessed it right. It's the third movie of the series. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of the Azkaban". Not gonna lie, this is my favourite movie. You know why? Because Sirius Black's character gets his introduction in this. 

Sirius Black is my favourite Harry Potter character. Then comes Fred and George. Sirius' character was well written. He balances humour in a charismatic manner. He is a matured character loved by the entire Fandom. 

The best part of the movie, I mean the movie did not demonstrate it keenly, but the book did. The line goes like, "Harry believed him". Despite of the fact that the entire wizarding world was against Sirius and believed the false accusations about him, Harry beleived him. (This can be an excellent example for my yesterday's blogpost too

This movie conveys the importance of family. No matter who we be close with. At the end of the day, it's family who stands for us (I'm getting montage shots of Dom's dialogue in fast and furious. "For Family"). Family can never be replaced by any other individual.

By saying family, it's not just your blood relatives, it's the non blood family too.

For example; your best friends or the famous 'brother from another mother and sister from another mister' people. They are family too. That's how Sirius is related to Harry.

Apart from Harry's family. Ron and Hermione gets into trouble just because they wanna help Harry to escape from all the troubles and especially from Lord Voldy. That's a kind of thing Family does.

The major thing I learnt was to trust Family. No matter what, they rely on us and we on them. Friends are our biggest support and they are the most selfless people. (I know few family members and friends can be toxic, but in my case, my family and friends.. I would rather call all of them as family. So according to my point of view my family's the best. They never left me at any point

Further, just because the entire world believes in something, it doesn't become right. What's wrong will always be wrong. Same as that, what's right will always be right. If Harry decided to go along with the wizarding world's opinions on Sirius Black, then the story would have been turned. And Sirius would have pulled another Snape (iykyk)

Moreover, Hermione punching on Draco's nose and the trio saving Buckbeak (the hippogriff) was sooo cool.

Anyways, keep your close ones even closer guys. Like how Harry has Sirius, Ron, Hermione and Ron's family. Like Anna from frozen II feels free from all the maturity issues just because she has Elsa, Olaf, Kristof and Sven. Just stay put, believe in each other and be happyyy..

Peace out mate!!✌🏻


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