Random thoughts - 01

If you follow my blogposts, then you'll know that I'll be leaving home tomorrow. (In case you did not notice it.. It's not leaving to home, it's LEAVING HOME). My heart's already heavy. I'm all smiling and happy, but only my heart knows how bad it wants to be here at home.

Yet, you know that people can also be home.

I have a person, who is my home there in India. 

He/she is the only peace I have over there. I'm not mortifying my friends or my sisters and brothers. They are suffering with me, we are on the same boat, as they are locals they have their families to console them. As an NRI ( Non-Resident Indian), I don't have my family close to me. I mean my relatives are there, but still that one friend makes me feel like.. I'm home. I'll be forever grateful for them.

Enough of my despondency...

I said Random thoughts, didn't I?

A minute please.... (πŸ₯›Grab this glass of milk and drink it. Enjoy, my friend)

If we are clean after a bath, then why does our towel get dirty? 

We spend money on crackers just to make ourselves scared for a second?? 

Some people call themselves as "Pure Vegetarian", but if they bite their tongue and swallow a bit of blood by any chance. Will they still call themselves "Pure Vegetarian"? 

Will the blind switch off the lights when they to go sleep? 

A giraffe has long neck.... Then how long will it take for them to get the vomit out of their mouth?

 Breathing fast is also called as "Laughing"??

Grahambell, when he invented the phone, he first called his wife....... How did she get a phone?

Our bike key has travelled more than our bike?

To get into deep sleep, we should first act like we're asleep??? 

If, all of a sudden our pet dog gets deaf.. Will it think that we stopped talking to him/her??

I guess it's enough for today... πŸ™ƒ

Peace out matesss!! ✌🏻🚢🏻‍♀️



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