Judas Kiss!

"People I loved-- People I trusted-- have done their absolute worst to me (Movie: Mr. Robot)"

The most demented, pig-ignorant and cretinous beings are the Human Beings. Including me. (I knew it Karen, that you would start typing, "You are a hooman too". Always find mistakes without knowing that You're itself the biggest mistake in this world) My bad, got a bit sappy!!


Except for Family, Friends, Dhoni, D (my Favourite Fictional Character) everyone's dumb. Not mentioning other cricketers, singers, directors, musicians.. I guess you get whom I'm talking about.

(The people who are condemnatory, disdainful, egocentric and imbecilic.)

The saddest part is that we have to live with these kind of people. No matter what, no matter how aware we are of to whom we talk and do not talk, we will definitely have such kind of people in our lives. And I... Have many of them.

Being an extrovert, I love talking to people. Read it again, I said that "I love talking to people" not "I love attaching emotionally to the people". Talking is different from being attached to people. When you talk.. You just know them, you aren't friends with them.

I realized that I do not put my trust on everyone. When my friends asked about whom I trust the most. I just mentioned a certain amount of people which is easy to be counted. And hey, that's the best feeling ever.. To know that you only believe few and you know that this trust can never be broken.

Happy and satisfying innit mate. 

God, Family, Friends, Dhoni and D (I know he is Fictional, but still hey.. keep quiet) are the ones I trust. I trust none apart from them. 

You know why??

Because people are barmy. They are the most ludicrous, risible and glaikit beings to ever exist. They even betray their own family and friends? Bro like, how?? How can you all even think of that?

Not gonna lie, but I have faced several betrayals in my life. A day.. Uhm! When the Tamil movie "Raayan" got released, we were having our dinner at the mess hall, one of my akkas told me to watch that movie. And then without even catching her next breathe, she told, "Anu, you are being betrayed by everyone like how Dhanush from that movie gets betrayed." πŸ™ƒ

I was befuddled. But then when I was back in Sri Lanka (MY ONLY HOME), I watched the movie and associated myself to Dhanush from that movie. She was right. She was absolutely right. 

People can never be trusted. They will never hesitate to betray you. 

** intense music plays **

** the motion shot changed from fast Movement to slow Movement **

** Crowded yellow line, Bird's eye view shot on a guy facing to the left while the crowd is facing to the right **

** "Be Different" quote pops out from the screen in yellow coloured "Quentin Tarantino font" **

Why did I create that scene? Nothing, just for you to imagine something. See! See, what I did there? I made you imagine something out of the blue. That's how people work. 

Just through words I made you enter my imagination. This habit that we practiced from the LKG, UKG and Playway made this possible. Words have power. Use them wisely. Just when you talk something and then apologize for it later will never fix the feeling the person on the opposite felt when you spoke it. Nothings going to change the past dude, that's the next lesson.

Nothings going to change the past. Have fun in the present. Forget everything. The present is all we have in our hands bud. Enjoy it, Let's think about the future and stress.. a bit later, okay!!

Have fun now. Do not believe Humans. Betrayal has become the new trend. Beware and have fun fellas..! 

Do not trust anyone. Everyone's like the "Judas' Kiss", brother

Peace (I have it now, if you want ask me)


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