Things I learnt from Harry Potter (4)

 " 'Did you put your name into the Goblet of fire, Harry' he asked CALMLY"

As you know that I am back to India. Unfortunately, of courseπŸ™ƒπŸ˜‚. So to distract my heart from feeling heavy, I watched the fourth movie of the series. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". 

As I was watching the movie in the airplane and the estimated travel time was only 1hr, I could not complete watching the movie. Hence, I came to the hall and watched the rest, along with my friends. While watching it, I thought my heart would become carefree. Contrary, it became hefty.

The character Cedric Diggory grasped everyones attention. And especially mine. After he (Robert Pattinson) took up as the Character Batman. I loved him even more. Cedric was a charming person. Despite of the fact that he did not stand against his friends who bullied Harry, he was fine. The only mistake he made was falling in love with Cho Chang. She is no match for him (but I am.. No, No, No, delete that joke from your mind. Pleaseeee). But for real, she was not as good as him.

Cedric's death shatters my heart, every single time watch it. It was the first death after Lord Voldy's return. He died knowing nothing. An innocent soul taken away from this world. This made my heart ponderous. 

Likewise, this place. In which I am right now. Is killing me. It's making my heart murky. 

The major thing I learnt from this movie was that books are better than the movies (only while they turn the books into movies.. okayyy). And I especially learnt that Dumbledore's calmness was put into question by JK Rowling and the directors of Harry Potter.

Was he calm while asking harry about his name bring inside the goblet of fire? Via the book, YES. Via the movie, No, No, definitely Not πŸ˜‚πŸ’”. 

Jokes apart, We should have courage. No matter what the situation we are put into, we should have courage. Harry was hated by all, even by his best friend Ron. Yet he took courage and played The Triwizard Tournament. Having courage while everyone's against you is so cool mate.

As I've told before in my blogpost. What's right will always be right. What's wrong will always be wrong. Even if the whole world is supporting for something which is wrong. It can never become right. 

Cedric diggory was an excellent example for being a tender-hearted person. He shared the trophy with Harry. He played fair. He was such a gentleman. You know what bud? We can be cool without doing all the bad stuff. Cedric being nice to everyone was attractive while compared to Draco being mean (By the way, I love Draco.. I just told it as an example. Draco is amazing. I Love him). Yet, hey!! Draco was turned into a ferret for bullying Harry, remember? So stop bullying and being mean to people. It's not cool mate... nah huh!!

Okay enough..

These are few major things I learnt from HP 4. 


Peace ✌🏻


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