Did you catch flights because you got feelings?

 "Catch flights, not feelings"

This was my caption to the photo I uploaded on Social Media which was about me coming to India for my higher studies. I've caught many flights before. But this one was really special. This almost changed my perspective on Life. This flight taught me to live alone without my well known fellas. 

I got many friends and I've got good contacts here in college and outside the area. The first time, I knew nothing about Madras Christian College. I had mixed opinions in my 1st Semester. I totally ignored my family and friends while focusing on my college and hall (hostel) events. Then I went back to Sri Lanka. And returned well prepared for the 2nd semester. Guess what? Those preparations were inefficacious. The 2nd semester shattered me. Yet I had my seniors and my friends, who held me upright. 

Apart from them. I got a friend (Whom I knew for past 2 years, I guess). He came from nowhere and miraculously healed me. When I went back again to Sri Lanka, I never wanted to comeback. I was iron-willed to discontinue. Nevertheless, I came back πŸ™‚. And yes! I wanted to meet that one friend... for one more time, or multiple times, I don't know. 

But now, (3rd Semester) I'm suffering. My friends and I are at our lowest points of our lives. But it's okay! Everything happens for a reason said one of my friends. But if we look into her life. Man, she is at the lowest point, atleast as deep as the pacific ocean.. I wanna be yours.. ahem! My bad, I got distracted. 

This time. We got to give a comeback. And this comeback is Personal. But, hey! Let me go back to my King, Queen, princess and prince to get my battery charged. Yeah, You calculated it. I'm going back to Sri Lanka. My flight is at 5.30 am tomorrow. I got to get myself together with the help of my people.

But the irony is that I'm going back and forth beacuse I've caught feelings on both the places πŸ˜‰. 


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