Chillin' and killin'

"Do I look like I care?"

What a day... I thought I'm done with the day, but it's 9.32 pm and I'm still living it to the best. Home. Home is everything. I dreamt of sleeping on my couch, sleeping on my bed, using my washroom and eating my mom's delicious food. Am I living my Life? Yes, yes I do. From going to church to planing the next whole week, we had the greatest time today.

After a 2 month gap, I played my drums at church today. What a feeling to be with my therapist. My drums was with me in my lowest of times. He healed me. 

Even when I broke my hand, I played my drums. You know what? I never felt the pain on my hand while playing. People may come and go, but my drums will never leave me. 

In this generation, being a TV addict is weird. Whenever I talk about my TV addiction, my seniors and friends will exchange weird looks between them. I mean, I don't like being on my phone. I'm not into social media too. I just have them to react on Ryan Gosling's meme posts amd comment, 'Literally me'. I love my TV. If I could, I would go inside and play the characters πŸ˜‚. I guess I'm an Old School.

Besides, in social media, I love facebook. The feel of long pressing the like button and reacting to the posts.. Wowww man. Just double tapping the post is not enough for me. I wanna react 'haha' to the meme posts, react 'care' to my friends' posts and react 'like' on any post to demonstrate myself as an 'I don't really care' guy. 

Watching TV, playing my drums, chilling with my family and sleeping without any responsibilities are everything that I yearned for. 

Be chill my guys. Everything's just a game. Be chill and happy. When you really don't care about anything, you'll be killin' everything. 

Peace out ✌🏻


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