Things I learnt from Harry Potter (1)

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that - Professor Albus Dumbledore"


Since it's September, where Harry officially gets into Hogwarts, I decided to go for a 'Harry Potter Marathon'. I began with the first movie, 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'. Aahh! The feeling I got while watching it. Nostalgic. I remembered the good old days. My school days in which I was genuinely happy for existing.

While watching the movie, I realized that I had the ability to speak Parseltongue my entire life. For those, who doesn't know what Parseltongue is, it's the language of serpents. I've been talking to snakes too (Iykyk). There's a famous meme on this content. Bet you would've seen it before.

Later, my brain unified Myself and Harry Potter. You wanna know how? I'll tell you. 

Harry Potter suffers in the Privet drive, So do I in my college. And Hogwarts is my home here in Sri Lanka. The only difference is that Harry suffered alone in his aunty's house meanwhile I have my friends to suffer along with me. 

If I'm not wrong, I'm at Hogwarts now and in a three days of time, I'll be back to Privet Drive πŸ™ƒ. I never thought I would relate to Harry in this way. I literally feel him. Poor kid. 

Furthermore, Hagrid is the most heartwarming character. We need such people in our lives too. I have some gym bros as my friends. They are so big and terrifying, yet when you talk to them, they are literally kids. They are the most sensitive and innocent people you could ever see around. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'. We can relate this to Harry, Ron and Hermione too. Harry and Ron were too early to judge Hermione. 

But I, judge a book by it's cover, because I have respect for graphic designers🚢🏻‍♀️. Gotta respect everyone innit mate.

(Apologize me for that terrible joke, it actually sounded better in my head)

Peace! ✌🏻


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